Output Tests

This is an example of how you can test the output stream of student code.

This test makes sure the student's code prints "Hello World". It assumes the student's file name is example.rb. Replace the require with whatever your student's file name is.

Note: This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value.

Grading Tests:

require 'rspec'
require 'stringio'

RSpec.describe "CodingRoomsUnitTests" do

    describe 'Checking file output' do
        it "output should equal 'Hello World'" do
            io = StringIO.new()
            $stdout = io
            load '/usercode/example.rb'
            $stdout = STDOUT
            expect(io.string).to eq("Hello World\n")

Sample Solution:

puts 'Hello World'

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