Print Function Tests

This is an example of how you can test the output stream of a student defined function.

This test makes sure the student's function named print_hello() prints "Hello World". It assumes the student's file name is Replace the import with whatever you student's file name is.

Note: This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value.

Grading Tests:

import unittest
import sys, io

class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_default_case(self):
        stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
        import example
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip("\n")
        sys.stdout = stdout
        answer = "Hello World".casefold().replace(" ", "")
        student = output.casefold().replace(" ", "")
        self.assertEqual(answer, student)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample Solution:
def print_hello():
    print("Hello World")

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